

HTML5 for PublishersのDescriptionにはこんなことが書いてる。EPUB 3、リリースされたね。

HTML5 is revolutionizing the Web, and now it's coming to your ebook reader! With the release of the EPUB 3 specification, HTML5 support will officially be a part of the EPUB standard, and publishers will be able to take full advantage of HTML5's rich feature set to add rich media and interactivity to their ebook content.

Java Bibliographyではこんなことが。

Today many new languages compile into Java bytecode and are run on top of the Java VM such as Scala, Groovy and Clojure, as well as variants of Python, Ruby, and Erlang. Java is also the language used to write programs for many of the world's mobile devices, including Android. If you're interested in Android development, there is also a bibliography specific to that platform. Oracle acquired Sun Microsystems in January of 2010 and became the owner of the Java technology. So far, this has not changed how Java has been positioned in the market.

Tim O'Reilly in a Nutshellは128ページもある。きりがいいけど、全然 in a Nutshell じゃない。

It's not easy to put Tim O'Reilly in a nutshell, but with the essays in this collection, you get valuable insight into the mind of the founder and CEO of O'Reilly Media. Tim O'Reilly in a Nutshell contains more than a dozen essays that discuss paradigm shifts in technology, the future of online publishing, and the way he approaches business.

# まずお前が読めよ、って感じだけど。